Having achieved nearly everything he’d wanted in his racing career, [Jack Roush] the 71-year-old captain of industry prefers to revel in others’ success in the dusk of his NASCAR career. “There aren’t so many firsts left for me, but I’ve not lost my passion for competition or my desire to operate at the top of my game,” the founder of Roush Fenway Racing told USA TODAY Sports.

“I just look forward to enjoying vicariously the success of drivers winning their first race or championship, and the crew chiefs and engineers able to share in those firsts. It’s less about me and more about being a parent or a grandparent to them.”

Once the Sprint Cup Series’ quintessential hands-on team owner, Roush quietly is moving toward the sidelines. After a quarter-century of owning stock-car teams that have 314 wins in NASCAR and two championships in its premier series, Roush still works seven days a week but doesn’t set his alarm for dawn anymore.

He no longer spends 90 minutes before every race tinkering with each of his cars’ carburetors, which have been excised from stock-car racing by electronic fuel injection. The mechanical wizard & has been marginalized somewhat by advances in technology. The survivor of two plane crashes has eased into a role he jokingly labels as public and human relations manager.

“I’ve gone from wanting to be the mechanic that I hoped everyone else would be to now I’m the point-and-grunt guy,” Roush said with a laugh, “hopefully, I’ll become less viable before I’m gone. The challenge is to give up the management and decision-making at the right time.” Within the next five years, the plan is he won’t attend every team meeting or race anymore, scaling back to spend more time with five grandchildren who range in age from 8 months to 12 years old.

“He’s trying to empower the folks running the team on a daily basis,” team president Steve Newmark said. “I suspect that is sometimes hard for him, but he’s doing it of his own accord, which is great because you see a lot of patriarchs that hold on for too long and don’t leave the company in a good state. He’s focused very much on making sure the company continues regardless of the level of his involvement.” So is there a clear plan for the enterprise once Roush steps away?

“There’s no written plan,” Newmark said. “We’ll welcome his leadership as long as we can get it.”

Read much more at USA Today.


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